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Contributions and Projects

1 Volleyball League

An important one is "Volleyball-League". The software is open source and published on Github. There is an active league working with the software, which is also organized by axuno.

2 Club Website

Especially for small sports clubs, building and maintaining a website can be a pain. Even though there are is free software available, using it is too complicated and taking too much time. There is a sports club website making use of it. The software is also published on Github as Open Source.

3 Tournament Calendar

Another one is a tournament calendar and tournament management site. The first operating website is a tournament calendar working with this open source solution.

4 SmartFormat

SmartFormat is a string template library that allows you to fill a string with data. Easy to use, fast, extensible, and extremely powerful. Allows for named {placeholders} using any data type, conditional formatting, iterating through IEnumerables, and much more. While Scott Rippey had initially founded this project, today axuno are maintaining and further developing it. The project is available on GitHub.

5 YAXLib

YAXLib is a flexible XML serialization library that lets developers design freely the XML file structure, choose among private and public fields to be serialized, and serialize all known collection classes and arrays (single-dimensional, multi-dimensional, and jagged arrays). axuno belongs to the maintainers of the project. It is available on GitHub.

6 MailMergeLib

We have published MailMergeLib, an open source library for sending email messages, where placeholders in text, recipients or attachments will automatically be replaced with variables.
The project was initially published on CodeProject. The latest version can be found on GitHub.
Have a look at the API documentation.
